Press Release Summary: Add keystroke dynamics authentication to standard Windows authentication
Press Release Body: Password authentication is a base methods used extensively. This method is very easy and high secure. But it has some disadvantages are related to password safe keeping. Password can be lost, stolen or hack. A lot of software product that can sufficiently fast hack Window password.
The one attractive decision of this problem is dynamic biometric methods of authentication base on keystroke dynamics. Keystroke dynamics is a biometric based on assumption that different people type in uniquely characteristic manners. Using Keystroke dynamics together with password authentication allow to avoid this problem and to increase password security level.
The BioKeyLogon software implements keystroke dynamics into Windows. Main feature of BioKeyLogon is a hidden mode. To successfully complete Window logon you must know password and how this password to enter. If anyone stole you password and try to logon your computer they will be confused and disorganize, because BioKeyLogon blocked Window logon process and show standard Window message about incorrect password.
All biometric passwords description storage in encrypted security repository. Biometric passwords description is a result mathimatical transformations. Even through someone decrypt security repository, it will be difficult to retranslate biometric passwords description to keystroke dynamics.
With BioKeyLogon user interface is very simple create new biometric password and control local system users. All user operation controls with user biometric password.
BioKeyLogon is a fast, powerful, and easy-to-use biometrical protection system that everyone from novices to professionals can use and protect office or home compute.
More about BioKeyLogon software you can see this:
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